Health and Well-Being

At Durham District School Board (DDSB) we are committed to keeping our students healthy in both body and mind. We can provide you with mental health and wellness initiatives and crisis support as well as information to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Smoke-free Ontario Act, 2017 and PPM 128

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 prohibits the sale and supply of tobacco or e-cigarettes to anyone under 19 years of age. Anyone who sells or supplies tobacco or an e-cigarette to a student under 19 years of age is guilty of an offence and if convicted may result in a fine under the SmokeFree Ontario Act, 2017.

The DDSB is required to work with Tobacco Enforcement Officers to enforce the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 and to promote healthy lifestyle choices. Smoking includes the carrying or holding of lighted cigars, cigarettes, pipes or any other lighted or electronic device. Examples may include but are not limited to E-cigarettes (vapes), herbal cigarettes, chew, snuff and snus. Students are prohibited from being in possession of or using tobacco products and/or e- cigarettes or nicotine products at school.

If a student is in possession of any these items, the items must be handed over to an educator. Parents/guardians for students under the age of 18 will be notified immediately.

Any student who does not hand over the items when required, will be sent to the office. A bias- aware progressive discipline approach will be used to address breaches of this section of the DDSB Code of Conduct. The Tobacco Enforcement Officer may become involved and has the authority to issue a summons that may result in fines

PPM 128 (The Provincial and School Board Codes of Conduct - LINK)

Positive School Climates

Learn about our Positive School Climates initiatives that aim to create positive school environments.

Mental Health

Durham District School Board (DDSB) considers well-being and positive mental health fundamental to student achievement. Students and/or their caregivers are encouraged to reach out to someone at school if they are feeling overwhelmed or discouraged. Support and Crisis Lines are also available.

Visit the DDSB website for additional resources for mental health and wellness.

Crisis Help and Support 

Click for Brooklin High School's Bullying and Intervention Plan here: 
2024-25 Bullying and Intervention Plan.

The Durham District School Board (DDSB) wants to ensure that you have the resources you need to handle a crisis. Our students can experience a crisis in many ways, including:

  • Bullying
  • Emotional or physical abuse
  • Neglect
  • Sexual assault
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Depression

Visit the DDSB website for a listing of available crisis support resources.