
  • Grade 8 Parent Night Presentation from Feb. 8, 2024
  • Ontario eLearning Graduation Requirement & Opt-Out Form
    • The Ontario Ministry of Education has introduced a new graduation requirement for secondary students to complete two online learning credits as part of the 30 credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).  It applies to students who entered grade 9 on or after September 1, 2020.  Although students working towards an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) or Certificate of Accomplishment are not required to complete this new graduation requirement they may take eLearning courses.
    • A parent/guardian or student (18 years of age or older or 16 or 17 years of age and withdrawn from parental control) may withdraw from the online eLearning graduation requirement.  No explanation or reason is needed to opt-out.  
    • There is no deadline to opt-out and it may occur at any time during the student’s secondary school program.  Students who opt-out may still take eLearning courses.  Students and families are permitted to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change.
    • To opt-out of the online eLearning graduation requirement, complete the following form and submit it to the Guidance Department of Brooklin High School.
    • The form link is here: Opt-Out Form
    • The Brooklin High Process for this is as follows:
      • Parent/Guardian fills out Opt-Out form online.
      • Student brings form in to guidance counsellor or parent emails to counsellor.
      • Counsellor files in OSR.
      • Field in PowerSchool is updated once it is available to reflect the form request.
Guidance Google Classroom Codes

Click HERE for the Google Classroom Codes for the 2023-24 school year.

Guidance Interview 

Guidance Appointments will now be booked online using student’s cellphone and/or email address.  Students will receive a confirmation text/email at the time of booking and a reminder notification 20 minutes prior to the appointment time. Students will continue to come to the Guidance counter to book the appointment.

How a Student Can Add a Cellphone # and/or Email Address to guidanceInterview to Receive Notifications:

1) Go to

2) Enter your DDSB Student Number (excluding the “S”) and
Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD) as the password, then click "Sign In" (you must have the “-“ between the YYYY-MM-DD of the password).

3) You will be prompted to enter an email address, cellphone # (optional) and make a new password


Come to the guidance office and ask the guidance secretary to add your information to the system.

Grade 8 

Counsellor: Mr. Knowles

Plan your education

Durham District School Board (DDSB) provides a variety of resources to help students direct their learning. This allows them to receive relevant academic and practical experience regardless of the career pathway they choose.




Grade 9 

Counsellor:  Mr. Howlett 

Grade 9 Parent Orientation Presentation - 2024/25 School Year


Grade 10 

Counsellor: Ms. Morgan-Cook 

Grade 11 

Counsellor: Ms. Shosenberg 

Grade 12 

Counsellor: Mr. Knowles

  • Virtual Grade 12 Parent Night 2024 presentation - Post-Secondary Information Presentation.
  • Ontario Universities Application Centre is an application centre that facilitates Ontario University applications. 
  • Ontario Universities' Info is a comprehensive website that list all Ontario University programs and requirements. This resource is a must for university bound students!
  • Ontario University programs and requirements. This resource is a must for university bound students!
  • Ontario College Application Centre has a comprehensive website at Ontario Colleges and it contains instructions on how to apply, listing of programs and requirements, deadlines and financial information, plus more. 
  • At Ontario Transfer you can learn about transferring courses, credits and programs among Colleges and Universities. This resource and website is useful for secondary students planning post secondary destinations and for current College students.
  • The Designing My Future document is a planning resource for students and families heading to apprenticeship pathways, and/or college and university programs. 
  • Ontario Universities Fair, Toronto Oct 5-6, 2024
  • Ontario College Fair, Toronto Oct 16-17, 2024
  • Brooklin High School College Fair for students, Oct 2nd in the cafeteria 8 am - 10:15am
  • Brooklin High School University Fair for students, Oct 9th in the cafeteria 8 am - 10:15am
  • Brooklin High School East Coast University Fair for students, Oct 25th lunch time in the library
Course Changes 

Course Requests must be requested using the Course Change Request Form located in your guidance counsellor’s individual Google Classroom.  No requests will be considered via email or Remind.

Course changes are not guaranteed and are dependent on availability and cohort assignments.  We cannot guarantee the order/placement of courses.

ALL COURSE CHANGE REQUESTS MUST INCLUDE PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION. Permission is in the form of your parent/guardian's digital signature which is required for the request to be considered. No course changes are made unless a Parent/Guardian has signed the form.

You will be notified of the status of your Course Change Request via your Grade Counsellor's REMIND. You must be on the Remind to receive notification of the timetable change.

Be sure to attend your classes based on your current student timetable.

Please note: Until the student timetable change has officially been made to your schedule and you have received confirmation from your Guidance Counsellor, you are to remain in the current class. 

Course Selection 
  • Course Selection, for the following school year, usually takes place in February.
  • Students choose courses on line using My Blueprint.
  • My Blueprint offers an internet-based tool for education, career and life planning, which guides students in developing their Individual Pathway Plan. It includes several activities to help students explore their skills and interests, possible careers, various opportunities, and diverse pathways. 
  • Course selection presentations, instructions, procedures, are deadlines are posted in Guidance Counselors' Google Classrooms. 


Grade 9 - 10 Course Selection Presentation

Grade 10 - 11 Course Selection Presentation

Grade 11 - 12 Course Selection Presentation


Grade 9-10 & 10-11 Parent Information session about Course Selections


  • Course Lists and charts provide an overview and list all the courses we offer at Brooklin High School.

Click HERE to view BHS Courses

  • A good reference point is always the Course Descriptions located in myBlueprint.

Click HERE to access the Course Descriptions

Here is a video to assist students with the course selection process in myBlueprint.

Here is the step by step instruction sheet to submit courses on myBlueprint

Course Selection Application Forms 
If you are applying for a course that requires a separate application to be completed via Google Form, then please find links to those documents posted in each Guidance Google Classroom, by Grade. Some of these courses include Co-operative Education, Peer Tutoring, Yearbook and Leadership courses.  
Community Involvement Hours 

Students need 40 Hours of Community Involvement to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Grade 8 students can start earning community involvement hours the summer between Gr 8 and 9. As a rule of thumb, if students earn 10 hours per grade, then they will graduate with the requirement. Students record their community involvement hours on a record card, getting their sponsor signature, verifying the completion of the hours. Find below at the end of this page, links to the Community Involvement Record Cards. 

For additional resources:

1. The Durham District School Board has a page on their website highlighting Community Involvement Hours, as well.

2. The United Way Durham Region hosts a website and Volunteer Database, page highlighting varied opportunities for community service. 

3. The Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services also has a website, highlighting Youth Opportunities, for volunteering across the Province of Ontario. 


Community Involvement Record Card

Fillable Community Involvement Record Card



Career Studies (GLC 2O1) is a Grade 10 open level required course.

Co-Operative Education (DCO3O9) is a two credit work experience program where students actively participate in the workplace. 


For eLearning inquires contact your Guidance Counsellor. 


  • Ontario eLearning Graduation Requirement & Opt-Out Process and Form
    • The Ontario Ministry of Education has introduced a new graduation requirement for secondary students to complete two online learning credits as part of the 30 credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).  It applies to students who entered grade 9 on or after September 1, 2020.  Although students working towards an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) or Certificate of Accomplishment are not required to complete this new graduation requirement they may take eLearning courses.
    • A parent/guardian or student (18 years of age or older or 16 or 17 years of age and withdrawn from parental control) may withdraw from the online eLearning graduation requirement.  No explanation or reason is needed to opt-out.  There is no deadline to opt-out and it may occur at any time during the student’s secondary school program.  Students who opt-out may still take eLearning courses.  Students and families are permitted to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change.
    • To opt-out of the online eLearning graduation requirement, complete the following form and submit it to the Guidance Department of Brooklin High School.
    • The form link is here: Opt-Out Form


The Brooklin High Process for this is as follows:

  • Parent/Guardian fills out Opt-Out form online.
  • Student brings form in to guidance counsellor or parent emails it to counsellor.
  • Counsellor files in OSR.
  • Field in PowerSchool is updated once it is available to reflect the form request.
Boundary Map
To register at Brooklin High School students must be living in our geographical catchment area. Our boundary map outlines the Brooklin High School catchment area. For more information please contact school administration. 

Welcome to Brooklin High School!


Here is a brief list of PEOPLE, PLACE and THINGS that will make your transition to Brooklin High School easier.


Grade 8 Virtual Parent Information Night was Thursday, February 9th, 2024.

Please find below the registration timelines and procedures for the next school year, 2024-25. 

  • For Grade 8 students at our Family of Schools (Blair Ridge PS, Brooklin Village PS, Chris Hadfield PS and Winchester PS) we will visit students at their schools in February. The internal registration and course selection process starts with these visits and Guidance Counsellors will be instructing Grade 8 students on how to complete online course selection.


  • For Grade 8 students living in the Brooklin community and in our boundary but not currently in our above listed Family of Schools, view the slideshow presentation in the grade 8 section of our website and read the Grade 8 to 9 Registration information below for next steps and online registration.


For more specific information for Grade 8 to 9 registration click the button below.

Grade 8 to 9 Registration Information


  • For current Brooklin HS students in Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 we will begin internal Course Selection procedures in February with course selection assemblies. 


  • For Grade 9, 10, and 11 students living in the Brooklin community and in our boundary, but not currently attending Brooklin HS, contact our Guidance Department to inquire about registration. Check in with our Guidance Department for required documentation for online registration, after our Internal Registration is complete. 

Anyone registered after our course selection deadline will not be considered on an equal basis for student timetable and programming availability. Registration after February will take place once the school timetable is solidified.

Feel free to contact our Guidance Department for further inquiries.


The Brooklin High School Guidance Department has prepared this document and summary, BHS Scholarship Presentation, outlining scholarships and bursaries. A great place to start! 


The BHS Scholarship Form is to be completed by all grade 12 students who would like to be considered for Scholarship Nominations. The information provided will be used by the Guidance Department to determine who should be chosen for scholarships that require a school nomination. It is imperative that students notify Guidance of the specific scholarships they are interested in pursuing. This information will also be used in consideration for Commencement

See your Guidance Counsellor for more information regarding Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries. 

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

At Brooklin High School we have three (3) Specialist High Skills Major Programs (SHSM). 

  1. Sports
  2. Environment
  3. Transportation
  4. Culinary