
Graduation requirements

Ontario secondary students must meet specific requirements to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Completion of 30 total credits (18 compulsory credits and 12 optional)

  • 4 credits - English (one per grade level)
  • 3 credits - Mathematics (at least one at the senior level)
  • 2 credits - Science
  • 1 credit - Arts (music, art, or drama)
  • 1 credit - French as a second language credit
  • 1 credit - Canadian geography 
  • 1 credit - Canadian history 
  • 1 credit - Health and physical education
  • .5 credit - Career studies
  • .5 credit - Civics 
  • Group 1
  • English as third language; French as a second language; Social Sciences and Humanities; Canadian/World Studies; Guidance and Career Education; Cooperative Education; Native language; Classical or international language
  • Group 2
  • Arts; Business Studies; Health and Physical Education; French as a second language; Cooperative Education
  • Group 3
  • Science, Technological Education; Computer Studies; French as a second language; Cooperative Education
  • In groups 1, 2, and 3, a maximum of 2 credits in French as a second language
  • Cooperative Education can count as compulsory credits, one from group 1 and 1 from either group 2 or group 3, for a total of 2 credits 
  • Students are required to complete 40 hours of Community Involvement are required.
  • Successful completion of the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) or the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC)​ is required.

Attention Graduates of 2021:

The usual Spring June Graduation ceremony and assembly, originally scheduled for Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 1 pm at Iroquois Park Sports Complex, has been postponed due to COVID-19 and Public Health protocols. We are firming up contingency plans for a Spring Hybrid Virtual Drive Thru Graduation ceremony on the same date, at Brooklin High School, so we can celebrate this important milestone with Bear Graduates of 2021. 

Given current Provincial Shut Down and COVID-19 pandemic we are still awaiting further direction from Public Health and will remain flexible, making adjustments as changes are made to public health protocols.

Currently, we are only permitted to coordinate a Virtual Graduation Ceremony, but will add a Drive Thru component, if allowed, with the event taking place on Tuesday, June 29th, 2021. We all understand, given COVID-19 and public health protocols, we will not be able to gather for a large assembly.

If public health protocols allow, we are celebrating this important graduation milestone with a Hybrid Virtual/Drive Thru Event on Tuesday, June 29th. We will be posting our virtual ceremonies to our YouTube channel.

Given our new realities of planning school events during a pandemic, we totally understand the disappointment and frustration that families must feel. If permitted to run, this event will allow our 300 plus graduates to maintain social distancing. The Hybrid Virtual/Drive Through Event will allow graduates to be physically distant and minimize contact while celebrating this important milestone.

We will be sending and posting information and updates via email, school website and our social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram. If permitted, families will book appointments to drive through, pick up cap, gown, Grad Book, Grad Gift Bag, composite grad photo and diploma, plus a potential Grad picture from Edge Imaging. As well, we are planning to post to our YouTube channel a recording of the Invocation, Principal Address, Valedictorian Introduction and Address, plus a slide show of graduates.

Valedictorian: Nominations are now closed. We have announced the 12 nominees, Monday May 17th on our social media accounts. Congrats to all our nominees, each one would be an excellent candidate. Voting will take place, online, May 17th - 21st. The winner will be announced May 28th.

Students will receive an email to their email accounts with the following subject line: Student Vote for Brooklin High School. The email will be from: Emails will arrive at approximately 10 am on May 17th, with the instructions they will need to vote. Students will have until Friday, May 21st @ 4pm to vote.

A student must be nominated to be considered for Valedictorian. A student may only be nominated by a current B.H.S. grade 12 student. The nominator must have a teacher to support the nomination.

When nominating a Brooklin High School graduate to be the Valedictorian, the student should demonstrate the following criteria:
• High academic average throughout high school
• Commitment to extracurricular activities (athletics, clubs, school leadership, etc.)
• Strong communication skills
• Highly respected among graduating class and B.H.S. staff
• Good representative of B.H.S. in the community

Grad Store: Student leaders are setting up a Grad store, where students and families can purchase apparel to help celebrate this important milestone. Once we have a link we will post and share, so students and families can purchase items, if they wish to do so.

Grad Fees: Graduates can pay the Grad Fee ($25) using School Cash Online and these fees help offset costs for Grad Cap 'N Gown, Grad Composite Photo and Portfolio, and Grad Memory Book.

Note 1: Unfortunately, Brooklin High School is unable to host a Spring Prom this school year, due to COVID-19 and public health protocols. 

Note 2: Brooklin High School is not producing or purchasing graduate lawn signs. While we support the excellent intention of recognizing our graduating students, not every graduating student has a lawn, nor can we guarantee the signs find their way, safely, to all potential 312 graduates. We do not have any contact information regarding this signage.

We will update this information as further planning is solidified.

Stay Safe, Bears!

File Migration:

When students graduate or leave Brooklin HS, they may wish to take their Google Drive and/or Microsoft OneDrive files with them. Instructions for migrating files can be found here: Migrating DDSB Cloud Accounts to Personal Storage. This information can also be found as a link on the Student Mobile Campus. Students who are graduating must migrate Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive files they wish to retain by, Friday June 25, 2021.

Graduation Pictures:

Attention Graduates and Grade 12 Students: Go to, use code kbi, and book your grad photo sitting appointment using the Edge Imaging Pop-Up studios.

Sitting fee must be paid before photos are taken.
All Grade 12 students must have photo taken for graduation composite photograph that proudly hangs in the Forum, underneath the Grade 8 Class Photo!